Sometimes our heart and mind fight so vigorously. Hard to decide which one to follow. I would say rather follow your heart. Mind can be selfish but the heart is always for love. Love never harms.
Winning gives you joy. Losing gives you experience. Keep saving your experiences. One day they will give you the joy of winning.
To be teacher is not a trade but pride. It's the origin for all the works and birth cause of all our knowledge. I remember with gratitude all my beloved teachers as you do as well.
Let go of people's discouragements and criticisms. Take advice of the wise. Walk a different way even through difficulties. There comes the real satisfaction of your life even if you loose.
What makes a man happy is not money nor power. What gives happiness is the recognition that the society gives and the belief and confidence that his friends and relatives have on the person keeps him happy unendingly!
Everyday is not the same. Everyday has its own progresses and struggles. So face the day with prudence. Aim your progress and jump over the hurdles. Prudence will be your guide and guard in all you do.
Only human beings are gifted with reasoning capacity. When you are given more the expectations are as well enormous. Know your ability and share it with others. Ability when never decreases but increases.
People have thousands of reasons to say no and stop to you; but you have only one reason to go and start: that's your aim. As long as your eyes are on your aim no one can distract you. Go ahead... Start anew.
Facing the problem is like facing an exam. Needs preparation. The questions are from the same book but asked differently. The problems under the sun is the same just they have different masks. Prepare well and the answers are at hand.
We know ourselves well. There are few who know ourselves more than us and better than us. Yes. Those are the friends who can understand us more than our parents. Miss them not from your lives. They are really angels of God. and you are one of the angels to me.
Count your blessings which God has showered on you. Don't count how much you have given to others. There is lot more always to give. Keep giving your best for others. The more you fetch water from the well the more water is filled in the well.
Courage is what makes one a hero. Take courage to face the challenge. Take extra courage to face the defeat. All the courage you have is needed to forgive your enemies. That's why courage makes one a hero. Not easy but possible.
What you think that makes who you are. What you do creates what you will be. What you aim brings you up more than you expectations. Aim high because you are destined to be more than you!
Uncountable amazing things are found in the nature. We are one among them with higher responsibility to protect nature the creation of God. The more we take care the more we are safe.
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