Monday, July 9, 2018

A Drunkard's Discovery...

"Pack my box with five dozen liquor jugs!" 
This is the shortest sentence which has all 26 Alphabets of English.
Previously it was "A quick brown fox jumps over the lazy dog " Discovered by a proud drinker
Boy prayed: Oh God give me 1 bag  full of money, job, 1 big vehicle & many girls!
GOD: Your wish is fulfilled. (Prayer accepted).
Be clear in the prayer, ask God what exactly you want.
There are three solutions to every problem; accept it , change it, or leave it...
If you can't accept it, change it. If you can't change it, leave it....
*Many are landlords in the CEMETRY,*
*Many are tenants in the MORTUARY,*
*Many are candidates of OBITUARY.*
But we are here, still worshiping in His SANCTUARY,
He has been keeping us since JANUARY,
His good news filled up our DIARY,
He's doing all these without collecting a SALARY.
He's indeed an awesome God!

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