Saturday, November 3, 2018



Are there any among you who are really wise and understanding? Then you should show your wisdom by living right. You should do what is good with humility. A wise person does not boast. If you are selfish and have bitter jealousy in your hearts, you have no reason to boast. Your boasting is a lie that hides the truth. That kind of "wisdom" does not come from God. That "wisdom" comes from the world. It is not spiritual. It is from the devil. Where there is jealousy and selfishness, there will be confusion and every kind of evil. But the wisdom that comes from God is like this: First, it is pure. It is also peaceful, gentle, and easy to please. This wisdom is always ready to help people who have trouble and to do good for others. This wisdom is always fair and honest. People who work for peace in a peaceful way get the blessings that come from right living...
St. James 3


       Who do you most admire and want to be like? People with power, influence, fame, or wealth? Scripture warns us of such danger (see Proverbs 23:1-2). King Herod had respected and feared John the Baptist as a great prophet and servant of God. John, however did not fear to rebuke Herod for his adulterous affair with his brother's wife. Herod, however, was more of a people pleaser than a pleaser of God. Herod not only imprisoned John to silence him, but he also beheaded him simply to please his family and friends...


The stone walls will be destroyed but a living community - the Church – will emerge from the chaos of the destruction of Jerusalem. The Christian community should never value itself based on the strength and beauty of its buildings and structures, for all these are perishable. Rather, we are called to be built into a spiritual temple like living stones. When we create strong bonds of unity in our parish, our families and society, we are building the true temple of God. On the other hand, when we go astray from the commandments or when we allow ourselves to be controlled by hatred, anger, greed, jealousy and pride, we are tearing down rather than building up. We are undoing what God has done in building the community. It is true that God is the builder, but for our part, we must cooperate with him, if we are to be found worthy of inclusion in the community that he is building.

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