Wednesday, January 16, 2019


Below are the list of words from English/Indo European that looks similar to Tamil words  with similar meaning, these words with origins in Tamil and  have ancient connections with some old Proto European language.  Some of these words could have also loaned from Indo European to Tamil.

Now after collecting and finding out so many words, I think there should be a deep connection between the so called Dravidian words in Tamil and European language base but many linguists alienated Tamil language due to reasons unknown.

We will see some of the interesting words, some of which will amaze you, Watch this page, The list is growing with new words added to the top, Give your comments if you have some questions or words to share.

Light/le̯uk: Ilakkam (light/lamp/destination)

Labor : Ulavar(the plougher, Plower)

Heathen : Kaattan (man of forest)

Heath: Kaadu(forest)

Venom : Vinai / Visham(sanskrit)

Green/Grass : Keerai(green leaves)

Good: Kodai (to give alms, to donate, give more)

Great : Kotra, Koatra (Interesting word, Kotra in Tamil means some thing that stand aside, not comparable to others)

Holy : KOil (Temple) literally its gods/higher(kO) place(il),

Bush : Pul/puthar : புல்  Grass

Bark/Barge/*barica : parisal

Dervish(beggar/poor) : Thuravi (monk) , Thu-ra = Give away(ra) – the – keeping within(thu). Ancient Indian religion, people are categorized into two, one is who settle with a family and the other is monks(thuravikal), they dont have family, they go faraway places seeking knowledge. Duid another word also looks related.

Evil : Aeval (induce)

Corn/Grain : Kurunai (smaller grain) Kuru in Tamil is small. and Noi is Broken or Brittle.

Wide: vidiya(sunrise, symbolically it means wide opening)

Towel : Thuvai/துவை (wash) Germanic source þwēan(wash), dwahan , Hindi (Dhobi) also should be related.

Fade: Vaadu, can also be related to word “Waste”

Fate: Vaitha, Vithitha

Faith: Padithal, Padinthu (acceptance of order)

Drive : ThEr(chariot, Cart), Like in German its Treiben, other English words like Dray, Draw, Drag etc… has the relation.

The Sanskrit word Ratha (the inverse of this sound needs mention).

Paleo/palaio/Palai(Greek) : Palaya (Old) Palaku(Practice) all are related.

Bully : Pollaa (bad, mischievous)

Plus/Plural/Poly – Pala,Pal, PalvEru (many, more,various etc…)

Pale: Paalai (desert and such barren lands) (Long vowel in Pale denotes it doesn’t have much in it, so does a barren land)

Know:Kan (Tamil word Kan means (Eye), kaan=look (This should be the root of many IE words that starts with Kn/Gn) , Latin  “Con”  also should be related with this word “Kan” (eye) in Tamil, primarily to mean “Gain within”  for example words like “consider” “conceal”, “Conduct” are some of the con words. The word “Ken” is widely used in Old  languages “to Know”/”To look” .

Tolerate/Thole(peg) : ThOl(Shoulder) [ the word “Atlas” can also be related with, Latin tollere is to lift, Statues of Atlas with the earth on his shoulders need mention.]

Culprit, Culpable – Kalvan,Kallar (Thief), Kalavu(Theft) (Literally it should be, one who gains from the place) [not sure if the word “Guilt” also comes under this]

This, Is, That , Its etc.. : இது/ithu(this), அது/athu(that),  இத்(ith),  இட(idathu = its place)

Short, Curtail, Curt : Kuruku, Kurai (shorten, to narrow down etc), [this is also  one of the widely used  words of the Indo European language base including Russian (korotkij-short)]

Collar, Collum, Hals (neck related words) : Kaluthu (neck)

Veil/Wall : VEli(fence)

Aern/Rann : Aran (Aran in Tamil means safeguarding, Aranmanai is palace)

Pare : Pirai (Crescent moon, New moon) (Literally it should be “to show only a little” like a crescent moon.)

Daemon/Devil: Theemai,Theeyavai (Bad/Evil, that which destroys, from the word “Thee” which means “fire”), Latin prefix “de“, also should be related, the root meaning of sound “Thee” is , Keeping with+give away.

Bleach : Vilakku (To clear off, Lighten, Lamp) Vilakkam is explanation ie.  “To make one understand”, Latin words like fulgere, flamma, flagrare etc.  also has the connection.

Pore/Furrow : Purai

Mega : miku, Mika(Very much, exceed)

Cup : Kuvalai

Oath : Othu -To read (loudly)

Eva-porate – Aavi (Steam) Inverse of “Aavi” is “Evaa”.

Nod : Nadungu

Meet: Muttu ( to butt, to hit one over the other face to face, head to head, cow’s fighting act)

Horse : Kaluthai(Donkey) – Horse in Tamil is Kuthirai. (Arabic word for Horse is Khayl) (Tamil Kalu literally should mean Gain on its  place), so Kaluthai and it  use for transporting goods on top of it.), The word Shoulder(tamil kaluthu) can also be related.

Gold : kelu(brightness, shining, sparkling), or from Kolunthu(pale greenish yellow, the young leaves), this could be an important root word cognate with words like yellow, gold, glow in various  other languages.

Curious : Kurippu (Giving hints, Giving Clue, Notes) Kurithu – Give attention to.

Cure : Kurai (To reduce, To lessen) “Kuru” means Narrow, Compact

Fast : Pasi (Hunger)

Flesh/Foul : Pulaal/Pulai

Wonder : Viyan, Viyappu

Sweat : Viyarthal

Gray/Grey : Kari (Black/Dark)

Harvest : Aruvadai(Aru(to cut) and V+adai(To stock in possession)

Gallery : Kal+arai (Vault, Cemetry) In Latin, galilea is  “church porch,” store room in church. in Tamil Kalarai=stone room.  There are more words to link Gal, Cal,hul, hallu with Stone or something formed hard. [Even in Hebrew the word Gal refers to pile of stones]

Gallows : Kalu (Wooden for impaling criminals, Ka+l+u(Gain+in a place+inside),

Kaluthai(Donkey) , Kalugu (eagle),  Kaluthu(neck) all carry things.

Arable : Er (Plough)(The “E” is the long sound “Ae” referring to the inaccessible place it reach to.)

Finish : Pin(Behind)/Pini(everything lost/hardship)/Pinbu/Pinnaal(Time after/back)/Pinam(Corpse)

Bait : Pakadai

Gate : Kathavu

Fact/Factorial/Factory/ : Vakuthu/Vakunthu (means “to divide, To make(“Thittam Vakuthal”=To make a plan), To make it small)

Pacify/Peace/Pact/Pactum : Paku/Pakutthu/Pakuthi ( To split even between, To share, To allow access within),  Padinthu/Padi means (To accept/agree with, to stay calm, To settle in bottom).

Accept: Isaipadu/Isaiputhal (To accept)

Female/Femina(Latin): Pen/Penmai

Function : Panbu/Pani

Annual/Annus : Aandu

Villa/Ville : Vayal(means Farm) (va+ya+l =comes out/growth + identified + place)

Field : veli

From : Varum (means “comes to a place”)

Find: Pidi-பிடி (in Tamil it means to “Get hold of”)

Fog/Fumigare : Pukai

Focus : Pukal( to get famous)

Fond : Punar (Copulate)

Mature:  Muthir-முதிர் ( More older state, Well experienced (for a long time)) (Muthiyavar means old man) (“MootthOr” means elder)

Craft : Kalam-கலம் (Old word for “Ship”, “Plates” in Tamil) Literally  “Ka=To gain + La=in a place + M=Occupying” so kalam is something thats “enclosed object to gain certain things/people”.

Burrow : Putru (புற்று, Snake, Rabit, Rat hole etc..)

Turban : Thalapaa (Head+ Cover) (“Thalai” in Tamil is head, The L changed to R) The word ThOpaa, Thopi are variations of our Thalapaa, used in some other near east languages.

Cluster : Kulai (Grouped as one, bunch/cluster)

Cot : Kattil-கட்டில்

Goat : Kadaa (male goat)

Pain : Pini–பிணி (Under control using  force, Inflicting hardship, Treating as slaves)

Punishment : Pani/Paninthu/Paninthal-பணி (Work/Under control/Working under kings order)

Tie/Teag/Taug/Knot: Kat, Kattu (Tieg) (inverse sound ) (Ka= Gain,  Ta/Da = Movement)

Lion/Leo : Ari (Interestingly Ari or Aryeh is Hebrew word for Lion, and the  L and R shift is common between many languages)

Bene~/Benefit : Payan-பயன்

Nation : Naadu-நாடு (Naadu means Native country in Tamil) (They say the word “nation” and “Native” comes from the Latin word “natus”)

Climate : Kilamai (Its a word that defines seven days of the week representing seven planetary bodies including Sun and Moon, also means “under its control”)

Hour : Kaala, Kaalai (“a time”, in Tamil) and  the word “period” could be “Poludu”

Year : Gnyaairu (Sun in Tamil)

Yaarn : GnyaaN (Thread) woven around. (arai Gnaan kayiru)

Torque / Turn / Drehen(German) : Thiruhi, Thirukku (Thirumbu=Turn Back) etc…

Dream : ThOrram (Appearance, Look) The meaning is not the same. This is also looks closer to “Thought”

Turb –Thiritharu, Thiri, Thiribu (here Turb should be equal to Thi+ri which in Tamil means change or  Losing its current state)

Funeral /Funus : Pinam-பிணம் (means Corpse in Tamil)

Water Lily :  Alli (May be of the same family, not sure if both names refer the same flower)

Wealth/Valor : Valam-வளம்

Value : Valu(gain strength)

Girl: Kilathi (Lead women, Rich Girl)

Guard/Garden : Kaadu-காடு (Forest, Field etc… literally Kaadu means “Gain + Hidden + Move + Inside” forests are well protected and not easy to move inside. In Tamil Kaathal means “To Protect”.

Pandal –Panthal

Friend/Favour/Free : Parinthu/Pattru/Parivu (Parivu word in Tamil means to show favour or affection)

Betel – VetElai

How/who/what : Yaangu/Yaarkku/Yaathu

Action: Aakkam(To create/To prepare)

Level: Alavu

Teak – ThEkku-தேக்கு (refers to Teak, Literally ThEkku=Having with + difficult + Gain in)

Mad: Madamai (Mada = Moving  mind, Not Stable Mind)

Mind/Math : Mathi(not sure)

Copra – Kopparai (kaappu(protective)+ arai(space/room)) Interesting persian word  خمپاره should have this origin.

Give/ Yield – Eekai

Sound: Osai

Surround: Chutru/Chutram (meaning to surround, to encircle)

Ginger – Ingee (Ginger)

Neer(it means Water)  But the word “Nero” in Greek means water. and in Etruscan “Nier” is water.

Water : possible cognate is ootru(spring water) ootru also means to pour. The English word Ooze also looks close. The word Hydro also is related.

Drum : Murasu (Inverse of sound)

Form: Maruvu (change in shape), Maarruvathu(Change)

Nail : Aani

Lemon – Elumichai

Oral/Oration/Orate/Oracle : Urai-உரை ( Tamil it means To Speak, To give some news )

Villain: Villan(In Tamil it means “One who is with the Bow”)

Orange – NaarthanKaai (A fruit with smell) (Naatram in Tamil means smell) (“Naa” sound in Tamil means “We Get hidden” like in Naakku, Naai, Naatram, Naakku etc..)

God –Kadavul-கடவுள்

L. Cappa, Cuff : Kaappu–காப்பு

Quest/Question : KEtpathu, KEl, KEtpa

Swear/Swor/An-Swer :  Sol/Sor (சொற்)

Petal –Ithal

Cigarette/Cheroot – Churuttu -(Cigar made by rolling tobacco leaves).

Crude – Kuruthi (meaning blood) related to Latin cruor, cruel etc.

Kill –Koll

Seer – Seer (to make things right) The words Juri, Justice also should also be from this origin, “Seer Thooku”  means “To take things right”.

Birth – Piranthu [In Tamil “Pira” means Other one, new one]

Bird – Paravai [In tamil Para is to spread out] Pa+ra to “More + taking to” the action to fly.

Clay/Glue – Kool/Kali-களி (Ka=Gain + L+i= In a place +not to give out) It refers to the sticky nature )

L.Cappere/Capture –Kaipatru,  [In Tamil “Ka” means to Gain/know something, kai, Karam is Hand etc. Kar means Gaining . Words like Carry, Carrier too were close to Kar]

Irrigate : Iraithal (Neer Iraithal , Etram Iraithal is the age old method of irrigating land using well or pond water.)

Take/Tacan/Tacken : Kadan (inverse sound) (Kadan in modern Tamil means “Loan” but literally it means “having something   to be given back” and some places it means “duty to return some favor received”.

Bring/Brought: Peruka/Peruthal (பெறு)

Buy/Bought : Vaaitha (German – buggjan), Vaaitha comes from the root word Vaai(mouth)

Broad: Parutha (Literally “accepts more”) Parathai (Prostitute)

More : Mali மலிந்த

Touch: Thodu

One/Uni/Unite: Onru, Onri, Onnuthal etc… (in Tamil the sound “O” comes in words to mean “unite” )


Eight: Ettu

Vision: Vili (To see) [In Tamil the sound “Vi” means “To come out, Visible etc…” words like Vidai, Vilai, Vili, Vidu,Viri ]

Voice : Vaai (“Vaai” refers to “mouth”)

படித்ததை பகிர்கிறேன்

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