Wednesday, January 16, 2019


Valve – Vaayil (Opening, Door)

Axle : Acchu + Ach+Chu = அ+ச்+சு  = Join inside.

Age : Aayul

Easy/aisie: Eliya/ElithE

Roll/Round: Urul :Rotating or Round,  Urulai means Sphere. Uru means shape.

River: Aaru/Aruvi (Other European words for river are Ryo, Rio…) in Tamil AA+ru means “Source unknown + Takes to here”

Rice – Arici (Ari means to “Take within”  and  si= After breaking/removing)

Reap:Aruppu (Aru means to “Take to inside”  “pp” = Many)

Rich: Arasu(Arasu means kingdom in Tamil, The sound Ara= “the action of taking to” and “Su” = “Join inside” meant the “kingdom” the  which distributes wealth)

Right: Uriyathu(correct) / Uttra

Rare : Ariya

Polish : Palinga (Smooth and Shining)

Hysteria : Pasalai (The sounds may not match exact, but the meaning are the same, refers to female hysteria)

Horse : Kuthirai/Pari

Taboo: Tappu / Thavaru (Meaning “Wrong” in Tamil)

Want: VEndu

Watch/Wait: VEtkai(wait with animosity), VEttai(hunting), VEnkai(Jaguar)

Hard: Kari , Kadi (Kadi means difficult to move in Tamil) “Kari”  means Sronger in Tamil.

Beauty: Pain(பைந் ) (in Tamil it often refers to something that is colorful).

Full : Mulu

Coir – Kayiru  – Ropes.

Curry – Kari – Sause

Mango – Maangai

Join: Serntha

Crime: Kutram

Aim: Eei (In Tamil Eei means to shoot, To Take from distance)

Arm/Hand: Karam, Kai. (Ka+ra=Gains + Gives)

Leg: Kaal (Just inverse it) in Tamil “Kaa”   means support.( in German, “Keule” is Leg)

Star: Chudar (meaning Shinning, Bright) – சுடர் , the sanskrit word NakSatra should also be from this origin.

Dad: Thanthai : (May sound odd, but many languages including European has Tata, Tadah etc… for father., in Tamil “Than+thai” means “Keeping within his possession”)

Parents: Petravar

Practice : Palaku/Palakkam

Brothel /Prostitute : Parathai (meaning Prostitute) “Para” means Spread and  not restricted.

Aunt : Atthai

Antham : End (Antham means End, or near to the destination)

Body: Udambu

Leaf : Ilai

Lose : Ilanth (Illai means “Not there”, Ilivu means going low)

Letter: Elutthu

Light : (Lean) : Ilaitthu

Yule : Oli (means light)

Thick/Thin: The sound “Thi” in Tamil itself means “condition”, Thinai, thilai, thikai, thirai, thiram, thiru, thiri, thisai, thikal etc are others words that defines the condition of the object/place.(“Thinai” means very smaller in size)

Blame : Pali

Plough: Ulavu

Pot: Paanai

World : Ulaku /Ulakam-உலகம்

Work: Ulai-உழை

Iron : Irumbu-இரும்பு

Boat : Padaku (in French its “bateau”)

Light(noun): Oli (“Li” sound means to leave from the surface)

Lake : Kulam (Latin “Lacus”) in Tamil its inverse and Ku+la = Gain inside + land refers to pond or lake.

Place : Palli (Place, School etc..) In Kannada its Halli for village. or it can be from Pulam(more used place, living place)

Hole : Kuli (Ku+li=Gain inside + Leaving the surface)

Have/Haven/Harbor : Kavarnthu(To gain inside, To capture)

Hit: Idi

Attack: Thaakku

Attach : Thacchu (Means to “To Join” or “To Fix”, “Thacchan” refers to carpenter )

Pan : Pan (Means “many”, “more” “all” etc… )

Cave:Kuhai-குகை (Literally it has these ku=Gain+inside, kai=Gain+possession)

Child : Chiraar -சிறார்

Son: Magan (Here the sound is different but I need to highlight that in Irish and Scottish “Mac/Mago/makko” refers to son)

Sun : Sen (May not be the source, but Sen in Tamil comes to mean, “attractive” or “Bright”, SenjGnayiru is common term to refer “Bright/Red Sun)

Prize: Parisu/parisam

Food/Feed : Pindam  or  from the words oon/oottu /

Know/Knowledge – Gnanam(Knowledge), Gnaalam(Worldly knowledge), In Tamil “Gnaayiru” means Sun, the ultimate en-lightener.

Cry:Kurai(Dogs Barking, Animal Shouting), Kural(Loud Speech) AluKural=Crying Loud, Imil Kural = Birds sound etc..

Stop: Thaduppu (Cut the S)

Steal/Stalker : Tholai ; Stall : Tholuvam, Stale : Thol(old, long time with)

Spear,Javelin, “Veles”, Verutum : Vael (Cut the S, Change P to V, and “R” To “L” these are common sound transitions)

Stud/Stick: Thadi (cut the S)

Shade/Shadow/Skot : Kudai (Cut the S) (Kudai means Umbrella, but early literature it means under the shade, under protection etc)

Stall/Stable : Tholuvam (Cut the S) (Tholuvam means cattle shed)

Se-parate: Pirithu

Snake: Naaka Paambu (Naaka is cobra a type of snake) in Tamil “Paambu” is snake. Naaga literally comes from its smelling sense,using  its tongue(naaku)

Calf : Kanru

Spread : Padar/Parantha

Side : Idai (Meaning, Sides also means “Flanks of a person”) (Cut the S)

Stand/Stock(tree trunk)/Stock(for future use) : Thaangu (To withstand), Thangu(To Stay), related with Sanskrit “StAn”

Throw: Thura, Thuranthu( in Tamil it means to reject or keep away from, one who keep  away from worldly pleasure is a Thuravi(monk))

Split : Piri  (cut the S)

Stack: Adukku (cut the S)

Speed: Peedu (“peedu” in Tamil means , more famous/more progressive/Coming out more )

Sudden : Udden (Immediately)

Sword: Vaal (cut the S)

Shore/Scorre: Karrai (cut the s)

Sharp : Koor

Short : Kuru (Cut the S)

Strength/Stren: Thiran (cut the S)

Street: Theru (again you have to cut the S 🙂 )

Shield : Kedaya, Kedaka, Kiduku

Smile : Makil(cut the S)

Sponge : Panju, Panji (Cut the S)

Cash – Kaasu – coins or dollars.

Cattemaran – KattuMaram – Fishing boats that are made using wooden planks tied together.

Hundred: Nooru

Pour: Poli/Peyal

Dare : Thiram (Capacity, Strength, Withstanding power) (Sanskrit -Dhairiya)

Drizzle: Thuli

Root: Thoor (inverse in sound)

Eagle: Kalugu

Thatch : Thatti

Trans : Thiri (Change, There is a word “Thiritharu” that means Transform)

Adamant: Adangaa(Not in control)

Praise: Paaraattu

Aid/Aiudha: Udavi(means “help” in Tamil)

Place : Pulam/Valavu

Cottage/Hut/House: Kudisai/Kudi

Nerve: Narambu (The strings of musical instrument Haarp(Yaal) is  Narumbu)

Feast : Virunthu (Virunthu in Tamil also means feast, there are many other related words in English like  Festival,  Fair(vila) etc…

Viru literally  in Tamil means to “Take in (ru)+ that which are kept within(vi)” like in  Wish:Virumbu

Foreign: Piran(others, external) Prae(Latin) Pre(English) Pira(Tamil)

Fear : PEi(ghosts), bhayam(Sanskrit)

Flee/Fleece/Fly : Peeli (Feather Dress, Peacock feather used as dress or decoration)

Famous/Proud: Perumai

Force : POr ( Means “War” in Tamil) (forcier means to”conquer by violence”)

Move: MEva (Seeing, effort/difficulty to retain)

Violence : Puyal (Means “Storm” in Tamil)

Fossil : Puthayal (“Treasure/Inside land”, Puthai means to Bury)

Refer/Relate: Uravu

Malleable : Melliya (Soft)

Get : Konda/ Kidai

Make: Amaika

Mud: Maasu -Dirt (also “Mann” refers to sand in Tamil.)

Direction: Thisai

Flood : Vellam

Float : Thaval (தவழ்)

Fall/Feel : Veel (Veel means Falling , but in some cases it means to fall in love) may be related to love.

Follow/Belief : Valipadu(accept the way)

Fire :  Veru(to be away from), Veri(Fiery), Viraku (dry wood, firewood or Fire source in Tamil) which should be the cognate of the word Fragment or Friction.

Virile : Virai(testicle)

Frissure : Viri / Virisal

Fault/Fail : paluthu/பழுது/Pilai (palu = More in a place, more older)  (it would be interesting to study these words further)

Finger : Viral (Some little sound resemblance is there, this word comes from root “Viri” means  to spread, to break open etc…,)

Decent : Thakuntha( Matching, Fitting, Appropriate), Thakuthi = state of ability.

Delicate : Thalir (Tender, The newly grown leaves)

Hunt: VEttu

Aroma: Naarum. (Orange=Naarthan)

Call : Kooval ?

Battle/bataille /Battalion : Padai ( In Tamil Padai means Army)

Axe: Ari (Ari means “To take in, To cut”) Axe=KOdAri

Lunch/Luncheon : Arunthu (To eat or drink)

Bar: Paarai (Paarai means Large Rocks hidden inside and not easily moved), Crowbar in Tamil is KadarPaarai(literally meaning “cross the rocks/obstructions”)

Poem: Paadal, Poet: Paattinar

Arms: Aran (Aran in Tamil, means Tools for protection, often refers the King’s fort, also Aranmanai=palace)

Vary: VEru , Various: PalVEru

Victory: Venri Win:Venru

Honey : ThEn(May not sound same) but what i want to highlight is another common word for honey in Latin and Greek which is “Milith“, this is again sounds similar to Tamil word  “Amiltham” This is the other word for sweet honey or nectar from the flowers.

Hercules : Karikaalan (Karikaalan in Tamil means Great protection/Legs or Elephant legs, The English word “Claw” or “Clutch” should have relation with Tamil word Kaal(Legs)

Christ : Theertha? theertha in Tamil means purify, to nullify, to heal. “theertham” is holy water. The Jain Theerthankar (one who is pure/ finished with his karmas or one who purifies)

Easter: Chithirai(month name)

Gallus,Galli : Kaal/KOli

Kaal in Tamil means Legs representing  “Protection from gain”. There is a ancient King named Kari kaalan (Strong Legs/Strong Support)

KOli: In Tamil it refers to Hen/Cock and literally means, “Gain Separating the land” , KO in Tamil refers to King(who has the command), KOl: Rule, Gallus  is not English word but I found this from Latin dictionary which means Hen/Cock.

Morrigon(One of Diety from ancient Europe): Murugan/Murugu (God of the Tamils)
படித்தது பகிர்கிறேன்

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