Thursday, November 15, 2018

Mathematics is the Queen of all Science - 2


101 is the number of partitions of 13.
102 is the smallest number with three different digits.
103 has the property that placing the last digit first gives 1 more than triple it.
104 is the smallest known number of unit line segments that can exist in the plane, 4 touching at every vertex.
105 is the largest number n known with the property that n - 2k is prime for k>1.
106 is the number of trees with 10 vertices.
107 is the exponent of a Mersenne prime.
108 is 3 hyperfactorial.
109 has a 5th root that starts 2.555555....
110 is the smallest number that is the product of two different substrings.
111 is the smallest possible magic constant of a 3×3 magic square of distinct primes.
112 is the side of the smallest square that can be tiled with distinct integer-sided squares.
113 is a permutable prime.
114 = 222 in base 7.
115 is the number of rooted trees with 8 vertices.
116 is a value of n for which n! + 1 is prime.
117 is the smallest possible value of the longest edge in a Heronian Tetrahedron.
118 is the smallest number that has 4 different partitions into 3 parts with the same product.
119 is the smallest number n where either n or n+1 is divisible by the numbers from 1 to 8.
120 is the smallest number to appear 6 times in Pascal's triangle.
121 is the only square of the form 1 + n + n2 + n3 + n4.
122 is the smallest number n>1 so that n concatenated with n-1 0's concatenated with the reverse of n is prime.
123 is the 10th Lucas number.
124 is the smallest number with the property that its first 3 multiples contain the digit 2.
125 is the only number known that contains all its proper divisors as proper substrings.
126 = 9C4.
127 is a Mersenne prime.
128 is the largest number which is not the sum of distinct squares.
129 is the smallest number that can be written as the sum of 3 squares in 4 ways.
130 is the number of functions from 6 unlabeled points to themselves.
131 is a permutable prime.
132 is the smallest number which is the sum of all of the 2-digit numbers that can be formed with its digits.
133 is the smallest number n for which the sum of the proper divisors of n divides φ(n).
134 = 8C1 + 8C3 + 8C4.
135 = 11 + 32 + 53.
136 is the sum of the cubes of the digits of the sum of the cubes of its digits.
137 is the smallest prime with 3 distinct digits that remains prime if one of its digits is removed.
138 is a value of n for which n!!! - 1 is prime.
139 is the number of unlabeled topologies with 5 elements.
140 is a harmonic divisor number.
141 is the 6th central trinomial coefficient.
142 is the number of planar graphs with 6 vertices.
143 is the smallest quasi-Carmichael number in base 8.
144 is the largest square in the Fibonacci sequence.
145 is a factorion.
146 = 222 in base 8.
147 is the number of sided 6-hexes.
148 is the number of perfect graphs with 6 vertices.
149 is the smallest number whose square begins with three 2's.
150 = 100101102 = 21124 = 11005, each using 2 different digits an equal number of times.
151 is a palindromic prime.
152 has a square composed of the digits 0-4.
153 is a narcissistic number.
154 is the smallest number which is palindromic in bases 6, 8, and 9.
155 is the sum of the primes between its smallest and largest prime factor.
156 is the number of graphs with 6 vertices.
157 is the smallest number with φ(2n+1) < φ(2n).
158 is the number of planar partitions of 11.
159 is the number of isomers of C11H24.
160 is the number of 9-iamonds.
161 is a Cullen number.
162 is the smallest number that can be written as the sum of of 4 positive squares in 9 ways.
163 is the largest Heegner Number.
164 is the smallest number which is the concatenation of squares in two different ways.
165 is the midpoint of the nth larger prime and nth smaller prime, for 1 ≤ n ≤ 6.
166 is the number of monotone Boolean functions of 4 variables.
167 is the smallest number whose 4th power begins with 4 identical digits
168 is the size of the smallest non-cyclic simple group which is not an alternating group.
162 is the smallest number that can be written as the sum of of 4 positive squares in 9 ways.
163 is the largest Heegner Number.
164 is the smallest number which is the concatenation of squares in two different ways.
165 is the midpoint of the nth larger prime and nth smaller prime, for 1 ≤ n ≤ 6.
166 is the number of monotone Boolean functions of 4 variables.
167 is the smallest number whose 4th power begins with 4 identical digits
168 is the size of the smallest non-cyclic simple group which is not an alternating group.
169 is the 7th Pell number.
170 is the smallest number n for which φ(n) and σ(n) are both square.
171 has the same number of digits in Roman numerals as its cube.
172 = 444 in base 6.
173 has a square containing only 2 digits.
174 is the smallest number that can be written as the sum of of 4 positive distinct squares in 6 ways.
175 = 11 + 72 + 53.
176 is an octagonal pentagonal number.
177 is the number of graphs with 7 edges.
178 has a cube with the same digits as another cube.
179 has a square comprised of the digits 0-4.
180 is the total number of degrees in a triangle.
181 is a strobogrammatic prime.
182 is the number of connected bipartite graphs with 8 vertices.
183 is the smallest number n so that n concatenated with n+1 is square.
184 is a Kaprekar constant in base 3.
185 is the number of conjugacy classes in the automorphism group of the 8 dimensional hypercube.
186 is the number of degree 11 irreducible polynomials over GF(2).
187 is the smallest quasi-Carmichael number in base 7.
188 is the number of semigroups of order 4.
189 is a Kaprekar constant in base 2.
190 is the largest number with the property that it and its ditinct prime factors are palindromic in Roman numerals.
191 is a number n for which n, n+2, n+6, and n+8 are all prime.
192 is the smallest number with 14 divisors.
193 is the largest number that can be written as ab + ac + bc with 0 < a < b < c in a unique way.
194 is the smallest number that can be written as the sum of 3 squares in 5 ways.
195 is the smallest value of n such that 2nCn is divisible by n2.
196 is the smallest number that is not known to reach a palindrome when repeatedly added to its reverse.
197 is a Keith number.
198 = 11 + 99 + 88.
199 is the 11th Lucas number.
200 is the smallest number which can not be made prime by changing one of its digits.

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