Tuesday, November 13, 2018


*The proprietor of a coffee shop had been busy all day. Being Saturday, it was very crowded and the customers were just unending. He had been on his toes since morning.*

*Towards the evening he felt a splitting headache surfacing. As the clock ticked away, his headache worsened. Unable to bear it, he stepped out of the shop leaving his staff to look after the sales.*

*He walked across the street to the Chemist, to buy himself a painkiller to relieve his headache. He swallowed the pill and felt relieved. He knew that in a few minutes he would feel better.*

*As he strolled out of the shop, he casually asked the salesgirl, "Where is Mr Sharma (the Chemist)?* *He's not at the cash counter today!" The girl replied, "Sir, Mr Sharma had a splitting headache and said he was going across to the coffee shop. He said a cup of hot coffee would relieve him of his headache."*

*The man's mouth went dry and he mumbled, "Oh! I see."*

*This is a typical case of looking outside ourselves for something that we have within us. How strange but true!* *The chemist relieves his headache by drinking coffee and the coffee shop owner finds relief in a pain relieving pill!*

*A man hunts across the lengths and breadths of the universe to find peace. Eventually he finds it in his heart and realizes that peace is really a state of mind*

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