Friday, September 13, 2019

Important Notice : Bank Frauds

*I received this from a friend, I am sharing it with you:*

_When someone pays money into your account by error, that person has to report it to the bank to do the_ *REVERSAL* - _not you!_

_Yesterday I received notification on my cell phone of a deposit into my account of_ *Rs82, 000.* _I could not find out who had deposited it, there was only a reference_ *J002.*

_At midday yesterday I received a call from someone in_  *"Revenue dept"* _stating that they had erroneously deposited a_ *VAT Return* _of_ *Rs.82,000* _into my bank account,_ _Reference_ *J002* _and that they needed me to reverse this payment as it should have actually gone to another firm,_ *TLB* _Towers._

_They even faxed through to me a very official looking letter with all the information and their banking details. Last night I went into my on line banking account to do the transfer but decided to print a bank statement first. I saw that the_
*Rs.82,000* _was in my account but still_ *"uncleared".*

_Gut feelings were quite strong, so I did not reverse the amount but waited till this morning to phone my bank. They too could not identify who the deposit came from. I then asked to be transferred to the risk/fraud division and explained everything to them._

_The  investigators phoned me a short while ago to let me know that this was a scam,_
1) _The bank account that I was to transfer into was a personal account with no funds in it presently._
2) _They also expect that the cheque deposited into my account may be a stolen cheque_
  3) _And will bounce and they would reverse it in a few days._

_This means that I would have_ *"paid back"* _the money into someone's private account, they would have withdrawn the money, and then the cheque deposited in my account would have bounced, leaving me with_ *Rs.82,000* _less in my account._

_Please can you pass this onto everyone that you know.  I have been advised that this is happening with people saying that they are from_ *TELECOM, Water* _and_ *Electricity, Municipal Corporation* _and other Departments._

*Remember in such cases, the bank has to take action, not the account holder!*

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