Friday, January 18, 2019


A woman was sitting on a sofa, drinking iced tea with her mother.
As they talked about life, marriage, responsibilities and obligations of adulthood, the mother then stared at her daughter and said....

'Never forget your sisters,' she warned. They will become increasingly important over time. No matter how much you love your husband, no matter how much you love the children you have, you're going to need them!

'Remember to go to them always, do things with them always'. 'Remember that when I speak of your sisters, I mean ALL women ... your friends, your daughters, and all other women who are attached to you. You'll need them'.

She followed what her mother told her. She kept in touch with her sisters and she had more and more friends over the years. As the years passed by, she gradually understood what her mother was referring to.

As time and nature present their changes and mysteries in a woman's life, your true sisters always remain.

After years of living in this world, this is what I have learned:
          Time goes by.
          Life happens.
          Distances separate.
          The children grow up.
          Passion decreases.
          Our parents die.
          Colleagues forget favors.
          Careers come to an end.
Your sisters are always there, no matter how long or how many miles are between you. A sister is never too far away to get to her when you need her.

When you have to walk through a lonely valley and have to do it for yourself, the women of your life will be around, encouraging you, praying for you, pushing you, intervening for you, and waiting for you with open arms at the end of the road. Sometimes they will even break the rules and walk by your side ... or they will carry your load.

Friends, grandmothers, mothers, mothers-in-law, aunts,daughters,daughters-in-law, granddaughters,cousins, nieces: they are all your 'sisters' and are a blessing in life!
Every day, we continue to need them...

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