Saturday, July 20, 2019

Cunning wife and a Usual husband...

Wife: listen, shall we go to the circus ?

Husband : No......... I m busy..

Wife : it seems there's a girl riding on a lion without clothes ...!!!!!😃😊😄

Husband : you have become very stubborn .... in everything you want to be stubborn .....
okay  ..let's go ..anyway i've not seen a lion for a long time  ....!!!!!😜😜😜😃😊😄😂

The rest of the story ..............

Husband & wife went to the circus. Husband even bought front row seats ... 😎

Lion show started ....and also got over ...but no girl without clothes. Soon, the entire Circus show was over...

Husband : you told me there is a show where a girl comes without clothes?

Wife : i said a lion without clothes, not  girl ........

*I swear you will read it again..* 😜

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